Life Coaches Talk Movies

As life coaches, Jessica Heimsoth and Gabi Gilliland love figuring out what makes people tick. It's no wonder that, as friends, Jessica and Gabi often find themselves nerding out about movies, and how certain films have inspired and motivated them throughout their lives. Movies are the stories we tell about our existence and purpose, and everyone's life is explained by story.Life Coaches Talk Movies isn't a movie review podcast (although we might do a bit of that here and there). In each episode, one movie will serve as a springboard for a conversation about what the story, characters, or even our experience with the movie itself bring up for us.

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Monday Jun 05, 2023

Welcome to the very first episode of Life Coaches Talk Movies! Jessica and Gabi take a moment to introduce themselves and talk about where this podcast idea got started, and what movies mean to them.Thanks for listening! We'd be so grateful if you could leave us a review wherever you listen to podcasts.Interested in connecting with Jessica or Gabi? Here's how!Jessica Heimsoth | Every Thought Captive CoachingWebsiteInstagramGabi Gilliland | Grief Grace GloryWebsite

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